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How to Stay Physically Active and Independent As You Age

How to Stay Physically Active and Independent As You Age

As older adults age, many become increasingly sedentary due to pain, fatigue or concerns over falls or other health conditions. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits can help you maintain independence while feeling great as you age; regular physical activity helps prevent chronic disease; reduces risks of falling; boosts mood; lowers stress; and raises “good” cholesterol levels.

Finding an exercise you enjoy will make staying physically active and independent easier as you age. Popular senior exercises include walking, swimming and yoga – activities which have low impact and easy joints when performed anywhere – such as walking. Many also find exercising with friends or family makes exercising more motivating – you could sign up for gym classes together or recruit them on daily walks together.

Strength training should also be an integral component of your exercise routine, along with aerobic and flexibility activities. Strength training helps maintain muscle mass and bone density as well as reduce balance issues common among older adults. You can utilize weight machines or bodyweight for strength training exercises; for those concerned about balance issues seated exercises like airplane stretches or chair yoga may help. Likewise water-based activities or swimming can be effective methods to build strength and confidence.

Movement should also be part of everyday life rather than sticking to an exercise regimen. Try parking further away from stores and opting for stairs over elevators when entering stores; even taking short walks during lunch breaks could add extra movement!

Before beginning any physical activity, it is always advisable to speak with your physician, especially if you have health conditions such as heart disease, arthritis or diabetes. He or she can offer guidance as to what type of activity is suitable for your particular circumstances as well as potential safety concerns you should be mindful of.

Staying physically active and independent as we age is no impossible feat; however, it can be a challenging one. If you find it hard to commit to an exercise routine, set realistic goals and incorporate them gradually. Add extra steps on each walk then gradually increase the time spent exercising each week; having goals to work toward can keep you motivated and ensure you stick with your fitness plan.

Engaging in physical activity is key to leading a long and fulfilling life. Now is never too late to implement healthy lifestyle changes and experience their benefits – don’t wait – just go out there and get moving!